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Candace Silvers Studios

Click Here to Become a Healer! Online Training Starts July 20th

"Every home deserves a Healer."

Candace Silvers is a world-renowned healer, Human Behavioral expert, creator of The Silvers Healing Modality™, and founder of The Silvers Healing Academy™.


A pioneer in energy healing, Candace has trained healers in 50 Countries, on 6 Continents worldwide. In addition to healing, Candace has applied her Human Behavioral insights and expertise to business consulting, addiction recovery, parenting and personal wellness.


Candace guides clients and companies to find where unconscious behavioral patterns are holding back growth and helps alter them to create unprecedented success. 




AUGUST 18, 2024


Candace offers healing events on Zoom so attendees around the world can experience The Silvers Healing Modality™ and receive a healing.

During this online event, all ailments can be addressed: chronic and physical pain, cancer, tumors, neuropathy, digestive disorders, and much more.

This is a Complimentary Healing Event. 






Is it possible to experience profound healing through energy work? Candace Silvers, healer and founder of the Silvers Healing Academy, joins Host George Noory as she shares stories and demonstrations from sessions with her clients.


Gaia TV's "Open Minds"

Human behavioral expert and lifestyle coach Candace Silvers shares some of the miraculous healing techniques used by Balinese master healers, with Host Regina Meredith on Gaia's 'Open Minds'. 


Insights and Possibilties

Host Regina Meredith on Gaia's ' Conscious Media Network', speaks with Candace about the rapid success of her acting, directing, producing, and writing students has led Candace, daughter of Phil Silvers, to create a program for all careers and lifestyles. Clients are taught the ability to observe their habits and patterns so that new responses are developed as opportunities, replacing obstacles that were previously perceived through their individual histories. 


Candace Silvers is a world-renowned Supernatural Healer sought-out by clients the world over.


During her four-decade career as a Healer and Human Behavioral expert, Candace has healed innumerable diseases, ailments, and injuries, including countless clients who the medical community now considers 'No Evidence of Disease' (N.E.D.). 


Candace Silvers is the sole creator of The Silvers Healing Modality™ and founder of The Silvers Healing Academy™.





Founder & Teacher: Candace Silvers

Candace Silvers is the creator of The Silvers Healing Modality™, a method she has been honing her entire life.

In this modality, the healer uses their hands as scanning devices to identify energy blocks within the client’s body and remaps their energetic state.

This non-invasive “surgery” works on muscles, bones, neurological and spinal systems, and internal organs and is known worldwide as an energy healing modality that has the capacity to heal all ailments. 

Depending on the specific condition, multiple sessions may be necessary or advantageous.

Book Your Healing


The Impact On


 Doctors and Nurses in the medical community have personally experienced the impact of The Silvers Healing Modality™ and have been inspired to train with Candace at The Silvers Healing Academy™ so that they can utilize this healing technique in hospitals and private practices globally.


"I began studying with Candace Silvers in Jan of 2021, just a month after I underwent a bilateral mastectomy for breast cancer. I had just started back to work in a new location as the hospital system had closed my local ob-gyn practice. And I was newly ordered as a Deacon in the Episcopal Church. In other words, my life had been turned upside down and inside out. Many of you have probably found Candace at a similarly crazy time in your in your lives. The healing work has been wonderful. She helped me with scar tissue in my incisions, so I can again sleep in my stomach. And I can pass on some of that healing gift to my family, friends and patients. But as powerful as the healing is, the lessons I’ve learned in Life Class have gotten me through it all."

-Dr. Lisa Webb, 20-year practicing OBGYN

Click Here For More Testimonials from Medical Community Worldwide

Book Your Healings

with Candace Silvers

One-on-One Zoom Healings

A 15-minute private healing session with Candace Silvers on Zoom. Using The Silvers Healing Modality™, Candace will be able to address one of your ailments.  


Small Group Healings | Full-Body Overall

A personalized, full body (any ailment) healing in an affordable and convenient weekly group setting. Perfect for multiple sessions and preventative care.


Remote Photo Healing

For those who are unable to attend in-person or Zoom healing sessions, Candace will give healings to your photos for three days.


Complimentary Healing Events

Candace offers complimentary healing events where she provides group healings and individual healings so that you can receive healings and observe the miracles. Events are offered globally on Zoom and In-Person in Texas. 


Chakra Balancing | Small Group Session

A personalized cleansing and re-energizing of the chakras in an affordable and convenient weekly group setting. Perfect for multiple sessions and preventative care.


In-Person Healing Sessions

In Texas, California and Phoenix, Candace offers in-person healing sessions where you can spend two hours experiencing a healing and observing healings for a profoundly transformative experience.


Private Coaching Session

A 1-on-1 Private Coaching Session with Candace Silvers on Zoom. 

Private Coaching Sessions are available for individuals, couples, families, and business partners.


Healing Sessions in Lima, Peru

Candace will be in Lima, Peru in September/October 2024, giving In-Person Healing Sessions.

Dates: TBD


Chakra Balancing in Lima, Peru

Cleanse and Balance your Chakras In-Person with Candace in Lima, Peru.

Dates: TBD


Other Ways To Work

with Candace ↓

become a healer

Join The Silvers Healing Academy™

A pioneer in energy healing, Candace Silvers created the Silvers Healing Academy to train Healers around the world in The Silvers Healing Modality. This modality is now being practiced worldwide.

  • Healers have been trained in 50 Countries, on 6 Continents– including 100 doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers
  • A transformative, life-changing experience offered in different levels. All graduates are able to give healings immediately after receiving their Level 1 Initiation (6 weeks) from Candace. 
  • This healing modality works in-person, as well as remotely via Zoom and pictures.

During Level 1 Training, you will find yourself constantly and consistently learning and developing new tools. To help guide you through this process, Candace includes one year of additional classes with your training.

Applications for Level 1 are being accepted for the Friday Academy starting July 19th, 2024 and the Saturday Academy starting July 20th, 2024.


ignite your transformation

Attend A Retreat 

Every year Candace offers life changing retreats around the world. These healing retreats are filled to the brim with supernatural healing experiences, coaching sessions with Candace and events that are sure to leave you feeling replenished and completely transformed. A few retreats that we have planned are;

  • The Silvers Healing Academy Retreats for Level 2, 3 and 4.
  • The Transformational Retreat in Bali 

Through energy healing, mindfulness practices, dietary adjustments, and emotional healing, individuals experience remarkable improvements, challenging the limitations of conventional medical approaches. Attending a Retreat with Candace is truly the adventure of a lifetime.


gain mastery

Join a 12 Week Human Behavioral Course

Our 12 Week Course consists of weekly, online Human Behavioral Classes with Candace. These classes are offered on Monday during the day and Wednesday in the evening. Each class is designed to sculpt the life you desire today, focusing on your relationships, career, family, finance, or health. No topics are off limits. You will; 

  • learn to recognize the thought and emotional-based patterns that are getting in your way
  • release what is preventing clarity and forward-movement in your life 
  • do the hard work required to see real, lasting change

If you're ready to step up to your life and make the shift, this course is perfect for you - and your first class is on us!! 


activate next level success

Book A Business Or Lifestyle Coaching Session

Candace has been coaching people to new levels of success for over 35 years. In that time she’s earned her reputation as one of the most skilled human behavioral experts in the country. Her system of breaking down human behavior into equations of causation has helped more than 20,000 people to pin-point where they are getting in the way of the their own success and make massive upgrades to their lives.

  • Unique coaching tailored to your individual needs and goals.
  • Create a new paradigm of effortless success.
  • Get the tools to cause massive upgrades and take your life to the next level.

Wherever you are in your life, coaching with Candace can take you to the next level.



I'm Candace Silvers

An energy healer and human behavior expert. I'm thrilled to introduce you to the realm of energy medicine. For over thirty years, I've dedicated myself to healing and have witnessed the extraordinary power it has to transform lives. It is a role I embrace with deep commitment and joy.  

Whether you are here out of curiosity, a desire for knowledge, or in search of healing, I hope that you will find inspiration and, perhaps, experience a personal transformation. As it is my belief that every home deserves a healer, perhaps, today, you’ll take the first steps towards becoming one too.

The journey into energy medicine begins now, and I am honored to guide and support you along this path.

What you do is amazing. Since the Level 2 Retreat, I have seen how God works through you with precision. How you utterly abandon yourself to the process. The magic that happens as a result. Gratitude isn’t big enough.

- Syama M

I’ve been nursing an injury to one of my toes on my right foot for 3 weeks.  Walking was painful. After the healing, I went for a 2 1/2 mile walk with low pain. It has improved so much for which I am grateful. I’ve signed up for another session next week. These sessions and just so wonderful, thank you Candace!

- Bridget A

I had a private session with Candace to work on my extreme hair loss. As of today everything seems to have subsided. Candice is a true gift to our planet. I am forever grateful to know of her services and will recommend her to anyone in need of a healing. 

- Denise C


These are conversations that will change your life. Leaders all over the world, host Candace Silvers on their podcasts, cultivating an environment of powerful growth for any listener.