The hardest work you'll ever do is SELF-MASTERY.

Candace simplifies that for you.


Our 12 Week Course consists of weekly, online Human Behavioral Classes with Candace. These classes are offered on Monday from 12pm to 2pm CST and Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm CST. 

Each class is designed to sculpt the life you desire today, focusing on your relationships, career, family, finance, or health. No topics are off limits.



Unprecedented Growth

Effortless success is a muscle, so step into the weight room of your life and witness the magic of consistent effort and unwavering accountability. Each class is a gateway to cultivating robust skills to overcome any obstacle! You want to grow and you’re committed, you wouldn't be here otherwise. The 12 Week Course is where you come to do the hard work required to see real, lasting change.


Personalized Guidance

Candace offers tools, insight, and an upgraded awareness for each of her clients around the world. Simply pose your question in the chat and Candace will offer personalized mentorship and coaching through the lens of human behavior.  Immerse yourself in an unparalleled journey of self-discovery as these classes empower you to master life as it unfolds, paving the way for transformation.


Lasting Community Support

Students have been attending this class for years and years. They are creating community with one another and navigating life's challenges and celebrations with like-minded individuals. Not only will you get just as much from experiencing other peoples coachings', you’ll also get the benefit of having other people to lean on when your obstacles feel insurmountable.

Get A Taste For

Candace's Coaching Style

with these audios

To become a True Healer, we must consistently clear our own channel. 


As Candace teaches – we are the cord the energy comes through. The Human Behavioral Course (which consists of 12 Weekly Classes) will help you to develop the tools; 

  • to recognize the thought and emotional-based patterns that are getting in your way,
  • to release what is preventing clarity and forward-movement in your life. 
  • to grow your healing strength exponentially.


If you're ready to step up to your life and make the shift, this class is perfect for you!

Because we believe so deeply in these classes, we offer your first one FREE OF CHARGE.


You can come in, audit the class, see if it feels like the right fit for you and then register for the course!


Book Your First Class Here



I'm Candace Silvers

An energy healer and human behavior expert. I'm thrilled to introduce you to the realm of energy medicine. For over thirty years, I've dedicated myself to healing and have witnessed the extraordinary power it has to transform lives. It is a role I embrace with deep commitment and joy.  

Whether you are here out of curiosity, a desire for knowledge, or in search of healing, I hope that you will find inspiration and, perhaps, experience a personal transformation. As it is my belief that every home deserves a healer, perhaps, today, you’ll take the first steps towards becoming one too.

The journey into energy medicine begins now, and I am honored to guide and support you along this path.