
Healing Sessions

with Candace Silvers


Candace offers In-Person Healing Sessions in

Texas, California, and Arizona.


Using The Silvers Healing Modality, Candace uses her hands as scanning devices to identify energetic blocks within the client’s body and remaps their energetic state. This non-invasive surgery works on muscles, bones, neurological and spinal systems, as well as internal organs.

Each person in attendance will receive their own 15-minute healing session from Candace. You are welcome to book multiple sessions, if you have more than one ailment.

 * One hour sessions are available by special appointment. Please contact our office - [email protected]



Book A Session in TEXAS
Book A Session in CALIFORNIA
Book A Session in ARIZONA



An In-Person Healing Session with Candace Silvers in Austin, TX.

Sessions are booked in 15 minute increments –

To reserve 15 minutes, book 1 session = $200

To reserve 30 minutes, book 2 sessions = $400

To reserve 45 minutes, book 3 sessions = $600

To reserve 60 minutes, book 4 sessions = $800


An In-Person Healing Session with Candace Silvers in Santa Barbara, California. 

Sessions are booked in 15 minute increments –

To reserve 15 minutes, book 1 session = $200

To reserve 30 minutes, book 2 sessions = $400

To reserve 45 minutes, book 3 sessions = $600

To reserve 60 minutes, book 4 sessions = $800


An In-Person Healing Session with Candace Silvers in Phoenix, Arizona. 

Sessions are booked in 15 minute increments –

To reserve 15 minutes, book 1 session = $200

To reserve 30 minutes, book 2 sessions = $400

To reserve 45 minutes, book 3 sessions = $600

To reserve 60 minutes, book 4 sessions = $800


I'm Candace Silvers

An energy healer and human behavior expert. I'm thrilled to introduce you to the realm of energy medicine. For over thirty years, I've dedicated myself to healing and have witnessed the extraordinary power it has to transform lives. It is a role I embrace with deep commitment and joy.  

Whether you are here out of curiosity, a desire for knowledge, or in search of healing, I hope that you will find inspiration and, perhaps, experience a personal transformation. As it is my belief that every home deserves a healer, perhaps, today, you’ll take the first steps towards becoming one too.

The journey into energy medicine begins now, and I am honored to guide and support you along this path.

I definitely felt a difference in my body. I feel like I lost some weight, but it was all inflammation. I had massive inflammation and swelling in my body for a very long time which started to heal now. I feel so good in my emotional body since I have started sessions with Candace. I love her heart of service to humanity. She has given me hope. Some of the issues I have in my body are chronic and have for 10 to 15 years. I finally feel like they can heal now. 

- Avi

I'm feeling like a different person after my healing yesterday. All the emotional turmoil had caused a lot of upset in my digestive system, and I hadn't been able to eat for three or four days. As a result of that I had really debilitating pressure headaches, and low blood pressure dizziness. A couple of hours after the healing I was able to eat a full meal, and I've been feeling normal hunger since. My headache is 99% gone, I'm not dizzy, and I feel emotionally settled and calm today. Thank you.

- Katie J

Thank you so very much to Candace and her whole incredible team of healers for the wonderful, heartfelt dedication to the world.  I felt such powerful, amazing healing.  My body was so incredibly cared for and enveloped in pure,  beautiful love energy.  Thank you always for your service, and for walking the path of healers.

- Mel D